We are the Weders, and nature is our passion! For us, ranching is more than just raising Beef and Bison. For us, it is about creating a place where nature and wildlife flourish, while at the same time producing the healthiest, most flavourful meats that are good for our bodies and our animals.
We are beyond most organic farming systems and have been regenerative ranching before the term was ever invented. Sustainability happens when you rear animals the way nature designed them... Bison and Beef are ruminants and designed to eat grass and forages and not be in feedlots! This is how our animals live and must co-exist; done right it is the world's most sustainable food system. Creating healthy soils, clean waterways and biodiversity from the tiniest of insects to the biggest of bears.
Stewardship is an attitude and the way we live our lives. It merits our utmost respect because it gives all living creatures a place to call home and a quality existence.
Our philosophy revolves around grazing systems, carefully planned land management and the preservation of essential habitat. By addressing this balance of our land and water resources and now with our meats, we are on a great way to conserve this place for future generations.

Our Promises
Our practises allow for the greatest standards for animal care and responsible use of natural resources. Not surprising that we were granted the Environmental Stewardship Award in 2012. These practices have continued today and are the foundation of the way our ranch is run.
See the video below:
Maintaining the proper course requires balancing our goals with our fundamental purpose and guiding principles.
We believe in providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about what you put in your body and how it affects the environment because we are open and honest from farm to table.

How it started...
On Christmas Day 1999, Erika and I connected in a little Guatemalan town. It was the beginning of numerous adventures! We are both Swiss by birth and heritage. Erika arrived in Canada in 2001, and I immigrated when I was 4 years old. Although we both came from dairy farms, we both knew we did not want to milk cows any longer. Which was when "Spirit View Ranch" was established in the Peace Country, close to Rycroft, Alberta, in 2003.
Over the years the crazy Weder clan expanded, our oldest son Pasco was born in 2004, followed by Nero in 2005, Oro in 2008 and Luna in 2010. We love our circus and there is never a dull moment with our crew.
We began a new journey in 2013 and relocated further West to a ranch in Hudson's Hope, British Columbia. Venator Ranches Ltd was born. Now we live between the beginning of the wilderness and the end of agriculture! It really is the last frontier! West of our ranch lie the Peace River's headwaters, and it seems as though we had travelled along the river all the way to its beginning.
We were fascinated by the Region for years and it is a dream come true, to live here! To some, Hudson's Hope may seem remote, but not for us. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done when you're surrounded by nature, endless wildlife and a wonderful community.